Launch of the sneaker. Obtaining the highest mia impact value. Was hypebeast with an instagram post worth €59.012 in miv® . The same news resonat on the highsnobiety instagram channel with a post worth €27.049. While elle and vogue paris respectively generat €18.554 and €18.056 in miv®. From their posts shar on the facebook channels. Taking into consideration the entire scopeof the campaign. Including the analysis of all the posts shar on social platforms in which not only the official hashtag was mention. But also more generally the collaboration between the two brands. We can state that in the first two weeks of december the total mia impact value generat by the partnership between adidas and prada on social mia was €1.291.116 . If you are interest in learning more about how global sportswear brands have seiz the opportunity to embrace new ways of communicating with their consumers. Meet the growing demand of the fitness market
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And how this has translat into data and market change mia impact of both sports giants and fast-growing brands. Download the report below: what is a competitive benchmark analysis? Benchmark analysis means a comparison between your brand and a certain number of competitors. Through the use of specific metrics. This analysis is us to measure brand performance and compare it with competitors over a given period of time. The first thing to do. In fact. Is to start studying the strategies of competitors to identify the main differentiating factors on which they leverage.From there. You can start business lead analyzing your brand’s performance and examine the channels and voices that drive the best results. This step will help you understand how to plan your
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Strategies. But how do you construct and study a benchmark analysis in practice? What are ways to make your process more streamlin and compare yourself to your competitors? At launchmetrics. We examine industry rankings using 3 key performance metrics. Specifically design for fashion. Luxury and beauty. Which help brands uncover powerful competitive insights. These metrics can be view in the insights analytics dashboard . Which allows you to compare your brand’s overall performance AWB Directory within your industry. What specific sector does your brand fall into? Launchmetrics has creat an index specific to the flb industry. Which includes a method for tracking the performance of a group of brands in a standardiz way. The index is bas on a brand’s