Supporting company investments to guarantee the production. Commercialization of goods that will enhance the current. Account by the domestic industry is the second title under the kosgeb tekno investment support program. Therefore, the products listed below have been added to the product. Therefore, list of the tekno investment support program as part of the steps being taken in our nation to. However, lessen the effects of the coronavirus (covid-19) epidemic, which has been. Declared a pandemic by the world health organization. Therefore, projects may receive up to 6,000,000 million. Tl (a total of 6,000,000 tl, comprising 1,800,000 tl without. However, a refund and 4,200,000 tl with a refund).
The support rate to be applied
Within the scope of this support program is 60%; 70% of the support amount will be refunded. (30% of the support is paid and non-refundable). All application and document processes are carried out via e-government. Businesses that can request support must meet the Industry Email List criteria below. Contribution of the product to be produced to. However, the current account (additional product list on the second page). Therefore, the investment project budget should not exceed 10,000,000 (ten million) TL, It is ESSENTIAL for the applicant SME to apply by determining its STAKEHOLDER. STAKEHOLDER: It can be a business (medium or large-scale enterprise) or a public institution/organization.
The stakeholder must have
The will and intention to purchase the product to be. Therefore, produced within the scope of the investment project, provide technical. However, and financial guidance to AWB Directory the business throughout the project, monitor that the product. Is produced in accordance with the determined standards and specifications. Produce common solutions to. Therefore, the difficulties that the business may encounter during. The project, etc. Is expected. If the stakeholder is a public institution/organization. It is sufficient to receive a letter from. Therefore, the stakeholder showing his/her will and. Intention to purchase the product. Therefore, duration and support items. The project to be supported investment project duration: maximum 36 months *if purchased. Within the scope of the domestic goods certificate.