One size does not fit all! Resizing Videos Using Templates Adding extra elements to video templates If you ne to add more complex elements to your videos. such as alpha channels. you can build templates to accommodate these. This means that you won’t have to spend lots of time repeating a complicat process to achieve your desir result. Progress bars are another asset that you may want to standardize across your videos. By making them part of your templates. you can ensure that they’re uniform across your videos. adjusting them as ne. Music can also be a great addition to liven up your video.
But there are things to be aware of
When adding it to your template. When timings change. you ne your music to be flexible. So. if you change your placeholders to accommodate asia email list certain video clips. you’ll also ne to watch out for how this affects your music. My top tip for building video templates My number-one piece of advice for building your own video template in Camtasia is to use sticky notes to think through how your video’s layering will look. You can then move these around until you find a framework that works for you and your video style. Then play around with your template. Find what works for your team and your video style. Camtasia’s templates are easy to customize. so experiment with them. and you’ll discover just how powerful templates can be.
To get more tips tricks and advice for creating
Great videos. head to the TechSmith Academy and access a range of courses and resources available to help you level AWB Directory up your video skills. For more expert advice and tips visit TechSmith Academy on YouTube or listen to the Podcast. CAMTASIA PODCASTS VIDEO MATT PIERCE Matt Pierce is a Learning & Video Ambassador at TechSmith. In this role speaks and teaches about video creation and visual communication. A graduate of Indiana University he has ten years of experience working in learning and development with a focus on visual instruction. He has directly manag the training. user assistance. video. and other teams for TechSmith.