Understand how modern consumers make decisions

Many marketers and sales reps make the mistake of thinking a purchasing decision is precisely that — one decision to buy or not to buy. But, according to the  Understand how SNAP methodology, it’s actually three distinct decisions a prospect makes throughout an entire process.

Make your customer’s priorities your priorities

If you’re serious about winning over today’s busy, frazzled consumers, you need to be on the same page they are as far as where you’re coming from. Find out what your customer wants and what’s most important to them. Then Email Marketing List align your talking points and sales outreach attempts to those fundamental values. Resist the urge to go over benefits or perks that don’t align with the customer’s key objectives. Instead, focus on capturing their interest and building trust by concisely demonstrating how your brand can help them meet their goals. 4. Simplify and organize your communications The key to leveraging SNAP successfully is to avoid overwhelming your prospects by giving them too much information too soon or making the decision-making process too complicated. Instead, make sure all your communications are well-organized and get straight to the point during individual conversations.

Provide essential information

Email Marketing List

  • The decision to allow a company access to them in the Understand how first place.
  • The decision to branch out and do things differently than they have in the past.
  • The AWB Directory final decision to switch from one resource or way of doing things to another.

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