For the consumer, making purchasing decisions is a real agony. After all, the customer is confronted these days with a myriad of products that are almost indistinguishable from each other at the point of sale. The many possibilities available to the consumer are a blessing that often turns into a curse. That’s why many people deliberately shop on autopilot to protect themselves from the ordeal of deciding which product to throw in the shopping cart.
Advertising effectiveness goes far beyond performance and sales
Advertisements take root in the consumer’s top industry data mind and in this way brands generate specific associations. Memories in the customer’s mind. Advertising not only influences short-term purchasing decisions but also increases the probability that a brand will be inadvertently perceived by the consumer in certain contexts. If you really want to take the pulse of your brand’s effectiveness. You should explore the so-called ‘mental availability’,” explains Guido Modenbach, EVP Research. Analytics & Consulting at Seven.One Entertainment Group. These types of metrics only provide a fairly limited portrait of the effectiveness of advertising.
Advertising is crucial to boost the mental availability of brands
Mental market share also influences AWB Directory brands’ actual market share. So brands must leverage heavily on the consumer’s mind in every possible way to spur sales. And that is precisely where advertising comes into play. Linking brands to specific properties and uses. Such associations are ultimately crucial in purchasing decisions. The Seven.One Media study concludes that advertising significantly stings the “mental availability” of brands. And this effect is particularly relevant among those consumers who have not previously purchased a brand. Have purchased it only sporadically.