All the B2B SEO Statistics you Need to Set The Bar High in 2023

If you think that search engine optimization is only useful for companies that sell consumer goods and services, you’re missing out on a large segment of the market. 

More than two-thirds or at least 68% of business purchasing decisions begin with an online search. That means you need good SEO so that your website, blog, and/or social media pages are accessible from the first page of search engine results.

Most B2B buyers, specifically 75% of them won’t venture any further than that first page to find a company that offers the product or service they are seeking. 

Being the first listing on the first page is even better. That entry gets an average of 32 percent of all clicks.

What percentage of businesses are B2B?

Contrary to what you might think by looking at the overwhelming amount of consumer advertising, the global B2B market is much larger than the consumer market. 

The global B2B eCommerce phone lists market was valued at $17.9 trillion in 2021, according to research by Statista. 

That is more than five times the value of the global B2C market.

What percentage of B2B leads come from LinkedIn?

The social media networking platform remains a good place to garner quality leads for your B2B business. 

According to  drives almost 80% of all B2B leads. 

A similar study by found that B2B leads gathered from LinkedIn had almost three times the conversion rate of leads obtained from Facebook and Twitter.

Statistics you Need for your business to thrive in 2023

The average B2B buyer consumes 3-7 pieces of content before speaking to a salesperson.

2. According to research by  81.2 percent of B2B marketing professionals and business owners surveyed said that SEO provided better quality leads than pay per-click-marketing (PPC).

3. According to one recent study, 57 percent of B2B respondents AWB Directory cited the lack of a dedicated SEO manager as their biggest obstacle to successful content marketing. That same number of respondents said that getting better at SEO was a primary goal for 2023.

4. Make sure that your marketing pages are optimized for mobile devices. 52.2 percent of all website traffic came from mobile devices in 2022, and that number is expected to grow.

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